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Abu Dhabi Part 1

Douglas is making his world-renowned speech of the approach into what may seem as Fitton? The farm? Or the A45... Making a remarkable comment of... THE SEA!!!

Captain Crefe - or should I say Martin - has had a bet. Who can fly the best by having drunk a litre of vodka through a straw- not going to do that soon... It's landing time and what's this?

Douglas starts to make his descent onto Britain - but still not entirely sure where...

 What is this new and fascinating word-game I hear? It's Brian's of Britain."Does Bob Holenes count in our Brian's of Britain Game," " What the hell yes he does!" And he certainly does in my opinion! Nothing-in-it coffee and everything-in-it tea - that's Arthurs speciality because he does nothing to it.

What has happened now? A confirmed 20 minute delay - no just probably.

 Never been to Bristol Douglas? Well today's your lucky day because we are going to Bristol. My decision is we go to Bristol - says the ever-right captain. Just a question captain, do people go to Bristol because I sure don't want to. 

Smoke my ears here, isn't flames extremely dangerous on gaffa tape and string - for all of you who don't know that is what the plane is made of. Matches Douglas? How on earth did you get that on the plane??? Does Martin want to make an non-emergency landing or divert to Bristol. The word Bristol makes you do something very silly and it has claimed another victim - going by the name of Martin Crefe. A suspension bridge called Clifton Suspension Bridge but I don't see how that makes it even nicer. Supreme commander, what a lovely title Martin, who gave you that title, WHO,WHO, WHO! Captain Bligh flies through the skies...

Now what word is Martin looking for - oops Sir Martin - have I given you a hint? Is it, understood? Please? Oh I am right, it is sir! And Martin is getting really fussed about his titles today isn't he!
Just to get this right: Martin is expecting Douglas to call him Sir even though Douglas is old enough to be Martin's father. Golly...

Douglas, eventually, has called Martin Sir. Sir of the airplane...                 

Carolyn finds her inner strengthcriticism. Oh, hark the ears but Douglas really does emphasise... Sir, Sir, Sir and one for luck Sir!  Carolyn is trying to make Easy Jet look like Air Force 1? That's going to take a lot of effort... Scrooge McDuck never heard of that airline - but parents say I shouldn't have. Technically Carolyn will annoy Martin and thankfully enough Martin can't return Carolyn's favour - of getting to annoy their friend of a foe.

"Good Morning Carolyn, Rise and Shine,"    Do you need Coffee without looking at Arthur, how very nice.

 Doggy Doggy Doggy... All the affection goes to the adopted cat and not to the handmade son, Glorious days are right ahead!

24 hour clocks, Isn't that a bit advanced for the likes of Arthur; I guess not.  He should have said six-fifteen and not the other six-fifteen - how confusing???? Arthur is (again) in a metaphorical mood as always.

Arthur's been on many trips but this one boldly stands out. No one knows why 12 tonnes of metal leaves the ground, or do they? We don't really know why says the 2 IQ Arthur! This is the sciencey bit and already i've stopped listening.

The 4 forces are: Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag. Goley. Who knew - well Carolyn does.
 If I were you I would just listen and I'll stop going on and on and on. 



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