As a result, Nancy is back at it again like she's some disappointed mother. 'Yeah, the big boy made you do it." Now, she's talking to Douglas who believes he can take it to another notch in terms of zayny, British humor. Martin promises to manage Douglas and begs and asks Douglas nicely to behave. Despite all Martin's attempts to keep Douglas at bay, the lemon is in play. Now, whilst Caroline would pay Martin, MJN is a loss making company and so she can't. If Caroline stopped paying Douglas, he'd stop coming to work, unlike Martin. And out comes the revalation that Martin treats himself with a Baked Potato, poor man. And Douglas returns with the Lemon with Martin desperate for the game to stop. Douglas agrees to stop the game if Martin can find the lemon - but not on/near Nancy, much to Douglas' disappointment. Arthur provides his expert opinion to Nancy about completing forms, don't do them. Arthur offers his services as a bear expert to Nan...
So, we begin that MJN adheres to the highest profession as Caroline tries to regain relations with Nancy. But wait, Arthur has a crisis, the book only has a Polar Bear on the cover and is not about Polar Bears but all kinds of bears. And so, Nancy has seen their website, a necessity these days, which Arthur designed! He found a website that makes it really simple even if you're completely clueless! For example, addd in the line of dancing aeroplanes to make it look really prfessioanl. And here we go, Nancy tells Caroline 'no offence' but she's afraid that peeople will google MJN and be scared. Oh dear. Tensions are high in the cockpit, very little communciation. Protocol is adhered to. Does Caroline care why Martin and Douglas are fighting - not in the slightest :) So, Caroline tells Douglas for some more zayny, British, unprofessional humor which will take up all the time. And here we see the Travelling Lemon. In all Martin's professional time as a pilot...